Why to bank on No.10 Sodium sulphate
Curious? Then read on…
Function in the Body
Sodium sulphate is regarded as the remedy for drainage amongst the tissue salts. It occurs in the emunctories where it assists the body in the excretion of excess fluids.
Occurrence in the Body
Sodium sulphate is predominantly contained in all tissue fluids.
Administration & Dosage
Adults and adolescents from 12 years: 1 tablet 1 – 3 times daily. Frequency should be reduced upon improvement.
- Babies up to 1 year old receive no more than 1/3 of the adult dose (after consultation with a doctor or therapist).
- Infants up to the age of 6 years receive 1/2 the adult dose.
- Children between 6 and 12 years receive 2/3 of the adult dose.
Please read product information.
Tablets should be dissolved in the mouth – approximately 1/2 hour before or after meals. For infants it is recommended to dissolve tablet in a little water.
Do you want to support you body gently and effectively?
Combine three Schüssler-Salts for a healthy Balance, that comes from within.
Schüssler Salts No. 6+10+12
- Salt No. 6 Potassium sulphate 6X – The Salt for Purification
- Salt No. 10 Sodium sulphate 6X – The Salt for Inner Cleansing
- Salt No. 12 Calcium sulphate 6X – The Salt for the Joints
- Mornings: No. 12 Calcium sulphate 6X
- Noon: No. 10 Sodium sulphate 6X
- Night: No. 6 Potassium sulphate 6X
Take 2 tablets (equivalent to 10 globules/drops) of the mineral at the time indicated – allow tablets to dissolve in the mouth.
The Trio for Inner Cleansing
Calcium sulphate exists, among others, in the liver as well as the cartilage. It is a natural component of the joints and is also found in the emunctories (excretory organs).
Sodium sulphate is predominantly contained in all tissue fluids. It is the remedy for drainage amongst the tissue salts. It exists in the excretory organs where it assists the body in the excretion of excess fluids.
Potassium sulphate appears in the upper layers of skin and mucous membranes, as well as all iron-containing cells. It supports the body in the break down and excretion of excess waste matters.
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