How do Schüssler-Salts function?
How do Schüssler-Salts function?
How tissue salts work
Support for every Cell
As nutrients and operating supplies mineral substances have functions in the body. Schüssler’s comments on minerals was:
They are building material due to their quantity, functional remedies due to their quality.
Sufficient quantity in minerals is the requirement for the makeup of the body and metabolism. These minerals should be ideally absorbed within the framework of a healthy diet. As operating supplies, the uniquely processed Schüssler-Salts target the equilibrium of mineral-ions within and outside the cell and furthermore support the adjustment of the mineral metabolism.
They are building material due to their quantity, functional remedies due to their quality.
The mode of action of Schüssler-Salts are explained on an image of a construction site: The minerals from foods represent the building materials, whilst the Schüssler-Salts, as labourers, use these elements sensibly and thereby stimulate the cell functions.
High Dilution, strong Effectivity
Schüssler was already aware of the problem of a highly dosed mineral intake. Today this knowledge is much more sophisticated and besides scientifically proven. An excess of zinc, for example, disrupts the copper metabolism and as a result, inhibits the iron utilisation in the body.
These ramifications cannot occur by taking the minerals according to Dr Schüssler, due to the dilution. There are also no ‘opponents’ and eliminating effect of various Schüssler-Salts. Therefore, different Schüssler-Salts can be taken in unison as courses of treatment.
The intake of classic mineral preparations can also be supplemented with Schüssler-Salts! For example, good results were achieved with the administration of Schüssler-Salt No. 2 Calcium phosphate 6X escorting calcium preparations, as well as the concomitant administration of No. 3 Ferrum phosphate 12X makes sense for iron preparations. Which Schüssler-Salts optimally aid your body; you can read here >>
Due to potentiation Schüssler-Salts are immediately absorbed via the oral mucosa and are directly effective in the cells through this refined bioavailability.